Discover the ocean's secrets

Price - First dive

Discover the price of a first scuba diving experience with SeacretDive in the Grand Cul-de-sac marin, in the heart of the Guadeloupe National Park.

SSI Try Scuba - 20 min dive + digital learning ki + certification70 €
SSI Basic Diver - 40 min dive + digital kit + certification120 €




SeacretDive, it's THE diving center you need for an introduction to scuba diving, in the Grand Cul-de-sac marin, in the heart of the Guadeloupe National Park. Thanks to our state-certified instructors, you'll discover the secrets of the oceans on magnificent, shallow dive sites just a few minutes from the port.

Are you motivated and looking for an introduction to scuba diving? Choose a first dive in Port-Louis, Guadeloupe. For 20 minutes, alone with a state-certified instructor, discover the ocean's secrets. Click here to find out everything you need to know about your first dive. Opt for a real initiation! For 20 minutes, with the SSI Try Scuba, you'll learn a few basic gestures so you can get the most out of it! And with the SSI Basic Diver, for 40 minutes you enter a new world and forget all notion of time!

Just a stone's throw from Plage du Souffleur, in Port-Louis, Guadeloupe, you'll discover wonderful sites such as the Aquarium, Trou à l'Orage and Balise de Petit-Canal. Just a few minutes' sail from the Port-Louis marina, your instructors will accompany you to make this magical moment an extraordinary experience.

Book your first dive with SeacretDive

You now know our price for a diving experience.

If you want to go further, you can train with our SSI training organization, with 100% e-learning theory, just click here

But diving training is all about people: find out more about your instructors, click here

Finally, if you'd like to discover the secrets of the oceans after your training, check out our fun dive packages.

Esprit Parc National, a brand inspired by the nature we proudly represent

2 Responses

  1. Bonjour Mélanie,

    Ce fut un plaisir de vous accueillir dans notre centre, et de célébrer ce super anniversaire des 13 ans de Lucas. Un grand bravo à vous deux pour cette belle initiation. Bien évidemment, ce serait avec joie que nous vous accueillerions à nouveau sur notre bateau !

    Sophie & Renaud – SeacretDive