Discover the ocean's secrets

Prices - fun dive

Discover fun dives prices with SeacretDive in the Grand Cul-de-sac marin, in the heart of the Guadeloupe National Park.

Single dive40 €50 €
Night dive - torch included50 € (or +10 € on a package)60 € (or +10 € on a package)
Two tanks dive75 €95 €
Grande Vigie two tanks dive (june - october)85 € (or +10 € on a package)105 € (or +10 € on a package)
Personalized refresher dive75 €85 €
4 dives150 €190 €
6 dives210 €270 €
10 dives320 €400 €
20 dives600€760 €
Additional equipment rental5 €
par équipement
13,5 L tank3,50 €
15 L tank5 €
Nitrox5 €
Air tank filling8 €
Nitrox tank filling13 €
Distant diving
Beyond Anse Bertrand or Passe à Colas
10 €
Accompanying person aboard10 €
snorkeling port-louis guadeloupe
Guided palm hike - Adult
Minimum 4 persons
50 €
Guided palm hike - Child
Minimum 4 persons
45 €
Snorkeling equipment rental (1/2 day)20 €
Rental after training30 € in addition to 1 dive
Package of 5 rentals
After training
130 € in addition to 1 dive

Book your dive with SeacretDive

You are now familiar with our prices for fun diving around Port-Louis, in the Grand Cul-de-sac marin, in the heart of the Guadeloupe National Park. But exploring the seabed also means meeting your dive buddies and hosts. So without further ado, discover who we are.

Would you like to perfect your skills with SeacretDive ? To train with the training organization SSI (e-learning theory), just click hereTrain with the French Scuba Diving Federation - FFESSM - click here.

Port-Louis city, in Guadeloupe is the ideal place for tailor-made exploration dives. Take advantage of a dive center that's just like you, on a human scale, where we take the time before and after the dive to talk about this unique moment, the species encountered, the landforms visited and the sights seen. Just a stone's throw from the Souffleur beach (Nord Grande Terre) discover diving the way you like it!

Esprit Parc National, a brand inspired by the nature we proudly represent