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Scuba diving in Port-Louis, Guadeloupe

Find out all about scuba diving in Port-Louis, Guadeloupe, with SeacretDive and our 41 sites de plongée in the Grand Cul-de-sac marin, in the heart of the Guadeloupe National Park. The archipelago is world-famous for its magnificent seabed. And among the various scuba diving spots around the island, those of Port-Louis stand out for their originality, their arches, their caves and their unique fauna. Discover scuba diving in Port-Louis, Guadeloupe, accessible from the first dive or Open Water Diver !

100% of our dive sites are in the Grand Cul-de-sac marin de Guadeloupe, cette baie située entre les côtes nord de la Basse-Terre et de la Grande-Terre et fermée au large par des récifs coralliens. C’est un espace protégé en tant que nature reserve.

Esprit Parc National, a brand inspired by the nature we proudly represent

Arches, caves and tunnels

Ask a local what is the trademark of diving in Port-Louis, Guadeloupe. He or she will immediately reply arches and caves. In fact, there are many sites offering this special feature. CathédraleSouffleur, les AncresCaye percée, l’Œil, Pointe Claude or Pointe Plate. These are more than 10 dive spots characteristic of these huge vaults offering superb underwater scenery. These arches also provide shelter for a wide range of underwater fauna: lobsters, warty spider crabs, large cleaner shrimps, etc.

With SeacretDive, here, fixed to the ceiling and sheltered from the light, you'll discover a rich and colorful fauna. Lace coral, black coral, limes, bivalves, sponges, gorgonians, etc. This fauna also attracts many species of fish: snappers, barracudas, apogons, pagres, gorettes and soldiers.

arches seacretdive plongée port-louis seacret dive où plonger en Guadeloupe
Pointe Plate dive spot

The plane wreck

Close to the Souffleur beach lies a plane wreck from Guadeloupe. On a 24-meter seabed, this Cessna 188 was used to spray pesticides on Guadeloupe's banana plantations.

In 1999, the plane failed to take off from Grand Café airfield (Capesterre Belle-Eau) and crashed in the middle of a banana plantation. As a result, the authorities quickly declared it irreparable, depolluted it and then submerged it in 2000 as an artificial reef in Port-Louis Bay, on the edge of coral reefs. Its wingspan: 12.70 m. Length: 7.90 m.

Enjoy the countless sponges, ascidians, corals and even bryozoans that have colonized the wreck. All around, discover a rich and varied fauna. Also, don't forget to look up for passing jacks, barracudas and kingfish. Nearby, swim over a coral plateau offering incredible diversity. Finally, contemplate the island's most imposing barrel sponges , measuring almost 2 meters in height.

Find out more about this wreck with SeacretDiveread our full article on this plane wreck.

Epave avion port-louis guadeloupe
Cessna 188 plane wreck

Scuba diving in Port-Louis, Guadeloupe, for experienced divers: deep dive sites

Are you a fan of deep dive ? Or would you like to register for a training course? SSI Deep Diving or CMAS 3 stars ? We've got just what you need! The sites of Patates and Platax offer a descent into the blue along a rope to a 35 to 50-metre chain of nice rocks. The Grand Tombant de Port-Louis has a maximum depth of 60 meters. Follow its lengthy course and contemplate the remarkable fauna that lives there.

On these sites, sponges, gorgonians and corals of all kinds provide rich food for pelagic fish. Admire the spotted eagle rays, stingrays, barracudas, amberjacks, jacks and king mackerels that cross paths here. What's more, thanks to the occasional presence of currents, you can even drift dive.

grand tombant plongee port-louis seacret dive
School of spotted eagle rays

Scuba diving in Port-Louis, Guadeloupe, for fans of underwater biology: the coral gardens

Let us introduce you to our coral gardens . Scuba diving in Port-Louis is famous for its arches, caves and rich coral gardens of the Grand Cul-de-sac marin. These reefs lie at depths of between 5 and 30m. Discover these fish-filled, crevice-rich zones, home to a multitude fixed or sciaphilous species. Admire the shoals of maniocs and castagnoles. Cross paths with trumpet fish, spotted drum and porcupinefish. Look for moray eels, spiny lobsters, crabs and anemones. Will you find an frogfish, a seahorse, a nudibranch? Will we cross paths with a ray, a turtle, a barracuda or a king mackerel? 

Marvel at the richness of the coral gardens: : Aquarium, Trou à l’Orage, Jardin Créole, Eden, Seacret, or Jardin and Balise de Petit-Canal. All these sites are accessible to all levels! So why not try it out with SeacretDive ?

jardin corallien plongee port-louis seacret dive
Jardin de Petit-Canal dive site

Scuba diving in Port-Louis, Guadeloupe for beginners: shallow dive spots

Would you like to try scuba diving in Port-Louis, Guadeloupe? There are plenty of spots to go to: Aquarium, Balise de Petit-Canal or Trou à l’Orage are shallow sites, rich in discoveries!

You are fan of underwater biology or underwater photography ? Whether it's coral reefs or seagrass beds, you'll find a synthesis of the most beautiful things to see in the Caribbean Sea. So keep your eyes open for cute seahorses or surprising frogfish.

Aquarium scuba dive spot

Fajou nature reserve

The largest island in the bay, Fajou island is desert, mangrove-covered and extremely well preserved. Like the Heart of the Îlets Pigeon spot, also known as the Réserve CousteauGuadeloupe National Park classified it Coeur de Parc.

Therefore, at the edge of the Reserve, you make the most memorable dives of your diving holiday in Port-Louis, Guadeloupe. You can see turtles, which come to reproduce on the Fajou island at certain times of the year. You can also admire schools of spotted eagle rays, as beautiful as they are majestic. Angelfish are virtually endemic to the islet. Barracudas are a common sight, as are jacks and king mackerels. And of course, sponges, corals and gorgonians are a constant delight.

So don't hesitate any longer and let us show you the dive sites of the Pierre aux Anges, Passe à Colas or Escaliers de Fajou.

grand cul de sac marin seacret dive
Pierre aux Anges scuba dve spot

Pointe de la Grande Vigie

Among the scuba dive sites in Port-Louis, Guadeloupe, Pointe de la Grande Vigie stands out for its majestic beauty. After 45 minutes of navigation, you will discover an unusual and totally isolated setting. Impressive limestone cliffs rise 80 metres above sea level. This relief extends below the surface, offering you a breathtaking panorama, magnificent drop-offs or fantastic caves, covered with tree-like gorgonians, elkhorns, coral-cierge, ... As a result, here you come across pelagic fish such as jacks, king mackerels or tarpon, and even the occasional turtle or harmless nurse shark.

Dive into la Grotte Amédien, Pointe Montagnier, de la Tortue or de la Vigie, Pointe Claude or Jardin Amédien.

To make the most of them, we regularly offer these sites with two-tanks dives. You'll have an hour surface interval and a snack. You continue to admire the superb scenery amidst the turquoise waters of the Caribbean Sea.

To find out more about these exceptional sites, take a look at our page dedicated to Grande Vigie dives, which you can discover with your dive center. SeacretDive.

plongée port-louis grande vigie
Grotte Amédien scuba dive spot

Souffleur beach

Souffleur beach, in Port-Louis, is just 100 meters from the diving center. On the one hand, it's one of the most beautiful beaches in the West Indies. Indeed, with its white sand and coconut palms lining the beach, it is still little frequented and offers a moment of calm, relaxation and timelessness.

On the other hand, it's perfectly suited to beginner scuba divers. Take advantage of progressive launchingwith a gentle touch. So put your head in the water while you still have a foothold and let yourself be conquered by these unique sensations. In fact, we take our time to ensure a gentle learning curve. Familiarize yourself with the marine environment, admire the small fish around you and the clarity of the turquoise water.

Finally, when you're ready, we'll set off to discover nearby points of interest. For snorkeling too, this site offers you the wonders of the Caribbean Sea, accompanied by one of our state-qualified instructors with a passion for underwater biology. Let yourself be guided and discover the secrets of the oceans with SeacretDive.

crevette yucatan plongee port-louis guadeloupe
Yucatan shrimp

So it's a dream come true, isn't it? So, whether you're looking for initiation, training or exploration, contact us now to book your dives! And to help you organize your stay, you can also visit our Top 10 things to do in Port-Louis city, or visit theor visit the North Guadeloupe Tourist Office website.

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Plan your dives now with SeacretDive, Port-Louis, and discover the secrets of the oceans

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