Discover the ocean's secrets

SSI or French school

Are you planning to learn scuba diving? Have you heard about the various courses available? But you're not sure what to do? FFESSM or SSI ?

There are many diving schools around the world. And in Guadeloupe, these two organizations account for 90% of diver training. So find out right away which one to choose. SeacretDive explains it all!

FFESSM ou SSI SeacretDive Guadeloupe

Overview of diving schools

Since the democratization of scuba diving in the middle of the 20th century, numerous schools have been created to train divers around the world. To harmonize all this, several equivalence systems have been invented. Here's an overview to help you choose the one that suits you best. FFESSM or SSI ?


First and foremost, the WRSTC (World Recreational Scuba Training Council) was founded in 1999 to harmonize a number of organizations, notably in the USA. These include SSI, PADI or SDI/TDI. The WRSTC has laid the foundations for Open Water Diver or Enriched Air Nitrox Certification found in most member schools. For Open Water Diver, the course include typical exercises such as regulator release, mask clearing, controlled emergency ascent, underwater navigation with a compass and Surface Marker Buoy.

Finally, the WRSTC has drawn up a standard medical questionnaire for use in the various schools. Click here to find out about contraindications to scuba diving.

SSI, the international school

First of all, the various WRSTC schools include SSI, one of the most comprehensive certification bodies. First of all, from a practical point of view, it offers a very advanced first level with Open Water Diver. As a result, you can become an autonomous diver at 18 meters in most countries of the world. In fact, it's the most widely recognized certification around the globe, in America, Europe and Asia.

Next, about diving theory, SSI offers all its courses as e-learning, on the mobile or computer application. You can follow the entire program at your own pace, from home or at your vacation destination. At the end of your training, under the supervision of an instructor, you take a test in our classroom. Find out more about our diving center SeacretDive, in Port-Louis, Guadeloupe.

Moreover, SSI certification is considered the basic package for all experienced divers. For further progression, a wide range of specialties are available: Deep Diving (to a depth of 40 meters) Underwater Navigation, Wreck Diving, Nitrox, DPV Diving, first aid with React Right, and many more. After the Open Water Diver, it's up to you to build your own diving profile!

Thereafter, different levels of supervision allow you to become a diving manager: Dive Guide for guiding groups, Open Water Instructor to train divers of all levels,...

Our SSI programs


CMAS (Confédération Mondiale des Activités Subaquatiques) was founded in 1959 by Jacques-Yves Cousteau. Its 107 national organizations include the Fédération Française d'Etudes et Sports Sous-Marins (FFESSM.) CMAS has made it possible to harmonize the different diver levels offered by member organizations.

FFESSM, the main french school

The FFESSM is the main diving organization in France, since it is a delegated federation. This means that it works closely with the French Ministry of Sports. It offers a first level (Niveau 1), based on a diver's ability to dive safely, under the supervision of an instructor, to a depth of 20 meters. Next, the Niveau 2 trains divers for autonomy up to 20 meters, without an instructor in the group, as well as for (supervised) evolution in the 40-meter range. Finally, the Niveau 3 allows autonomous access to the deep zone (60 meters).


Beyond that, the Niveau 4 allows you to supervise certified divers. Finally, the CMAS 3* and 4* instructors or MF1 and 2 allow the teaching of diving theory and practice at all levels.

What's more, the FFESSM is more technical than other international federations. Thus, from the Niveau 2,w e teach you assisted ascents. These enable you to bring your dive buddy safely to the surface in the event of an underwater incident.

Finally, in terms of international reputation, the levels of the FFESSM are now recognized worldwide thanks to CMAS.

So... FFESSM or SSI?

Now you know the differences in principles between the two major diving schools in Guadeloupe, the FFESSM and SSIIf your goal is to go abroad, to dive at your vacation spot and be highly recognized internationally, we'd like to point you in the direction of SSI. On the other hand, if your aim is to get involved in an association club, or to dive mainly in France, choose the FFESSM. So make your choice, and sign up now for dive training at your local dive center SeacretDive, your scuba diving center in Port-Louis city, in the Grand Cul-de-sac marin, in the heart of the Guadeloupe National Park ! But in any case, it all starts with the 1st certification! Click here to find out more about Niveau 1.

Plan your dive training

Plan your dive training now with SeacretDive, in Port-Louis, and discover the ocean's secrets